Crypto Losses Can Be Used to Offset Tax Burden

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As the year is about to end, now it’s the time for the crypto investors to take steps towards year-end tax planning. A little time invested now can result in big savings while filing the tax return in April. Crypto investors who have unrealized losses could save a significant amount of tax if they learn how to record and file it appropriately.

Harvest your Crypto Losses
In the current year, the crypto market has lost more than 70 percent of its value which means many crypto investors are holding cryptocurrencies with significant unrealized losses. When the crypto investors sell these loss-making positions, it will become a capital loss. This capital loss can be used to offset other capital gains, and crypto investors will be able to save significantly in tax. The investors have to keep in mind that all capital gains are the same and capital losses can be used to offset these gains from other sources as well. Your capital losses from cryptocurrencies can be used to offset your capital gains from sources such as shares and bonds.

Under the United States tax code, Bitcoin (BTC) investors who got rekt in 2018 can use their losses to mitigate their tax burden for the current financial year and beyond. The United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) classified digital assets as commodity rather than the currency, that is why cryptocurrency transaction are taxed like stocks, bonds, land, and other similar assets. The capital gain tax for these categories has gone up to 40.8% for short-term gains and 23.8% for long-term gains. The capital gain tax is levied whenever an asset is sold more than what the holder purchased it for. For example, if a crypto investor bought Bitcoin at $1,000 and decides to sell it at $4,000 than the capital gain tax will be levied on $3000 which is the profit realized by the investor.
Under the IRS form 8949 reporting framework, if the investor sells the crypto assets at a loss then the loss amount can be claimed against their total capital gain tax burden for all commodities as well as their personal income tax up to a limit of $3,000 per financial year. Crypto investors can also carry these losses to the next financial year and can offset their burden in the case of personal income tax.

Crypto assets are also not a subject of wash sale regulations which prevents investors from purchasing securities within 30 days of selling loss-making assets. Which means to offset the tax burden the investors can sell their crypto assets or part of crypto assets and can repurchase them shortly even within a few hours. To take the full advantage of law the investors have to keep the record of all their crypto activities in a financial year.

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