
Showing posts from December, 2018

Co-Founder of Brazilian Crypto Exchange Foxbit Passes Away at 24

For more latest news update Cryptocurrency training Crypto trading signals & automated trading software join below given telegram channel                                Join-                                     Join-  Luís Schiavon, known as Guto, the co-founder of popular Brazilian cryptocurrency exchange Foxbit, has passed away on December 25 after being involved in a car accident in São Paulo, Brazil. According to local news outlet G1, the accident involved three vehicles and occurred due to poor weather conditions. The driver of the car Guto was in reportedly lost control and ended up being hit by a vehicle coming in the opposite direction. Right after, a truck that wasn’t able to move away hit the vehicle. Four individuals were rescued by emergency services and sent to the hospital, two in serious condition. Guto ende

Report Claims, India May Soon Be Legalized Cryptocurrencies

For more latest news update Cryptocurrency training Crypto trading signals & automated trading software join below given telegram channel                             Join-                                       Join-  Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin may soon become legal in India, a country known for its not-so-friendly approach to the nascent industry that has in the past moved to ban digital assets. This, as the crypto community in the country has been pressuring the government. According to local news outlet New India Express, an interdisciplinary committee set up by the Indian government is looking into regulating and legalizing cryptocurrencies, although with tough terms and conditions. A senior official who reportedly attended related discussions was quoted as saying: We have already had two meetings. There is a gener

BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes: Ether Will 'Test' $200 When ICOs 'Return'

For more latest news update Cryptocurrency training Crypto trading signals & automated trading software join below given telegram channel                    Join-                                             Join-  BitMEX CEO Arthur Hayes has predicted that ether (ETH) price will "rebound aggressively." Hayes believes ether's price will recover once the initial coin offering (ICO) market comes back in the next 18 months. Arthur Hayes, the co-founder and CEO of BitMEX, the world’s largest cryptocurrency derivatives trading platform, recently predicted that the price of Ethereum’s native token, ether (ETH), will “rebound aggressively.” Hayes, who previously worked at Deutsche Bank and as head trader at Citi, told Cointelegraph Japan that the main use case for Ethereum is to use its blockchain network to laun

Crypto Losses Can Be Used to Offset Tax Burden

For more latest news update Cryptocurrency training Crypto trading signals & automated trading software join below given telegram channel Join- Join-  As the year is about to end, now it’s the time for the crypto investors to take steps towards year-end tax planning. A little time invested now can result in big savings while filing the tax return in April. Crypto investors who have unrealized losses could save a significant amount of tax if they learn how to record and file it appropriately. Harvest your Crypto Losses In the current year, the crypto market has lost more than 70 percent of its value which means many crypto investors are holding cryptocurrencies with significant unrealized losses. When the crypto investors sell these loss-making positions, it will become a capital loss. This capital loss can be used to offset other ca

What Happens When All Bitcoins Are Mined?

For more latest news update Cryptocurrency training Crypto trading signals & automated trading software join below given telegram channel Join- Join-  Bitcoin is not an infinte resource. There is only a limited amount of it. The creators of Bitcoin decided that there should be a finite supply of it. The cap is at 21 million. So what happens when all these 21 million Bitcoins are mined by the miners? What hapens to the future of Bitcoin? This article will hopefully answer all the questions you may have. You May Also Read: What is Bitcoin? What Lies Beyond 21 Million? Currently, there are only 4 million Bitcoins left to be mined. Additionally, the community has not signalled towards any protocol changes, that would allow for a larger supply of Bitcoins to be mined. This effectively means Bitcoin miners will be greatly imp

Morgan Creek Ready To Risk $1 Million Betting On Success Of Crypto

For more latest news update Cryptocurrency training Crypto trading signals & automated trading software join below given telegram channel Join-   Join- The venture capital firm Morgan Creek, founded and headed by Anthony Pompliano, is ready to bet $1 million that digital currencies will surpass the S&P 500 stock index in 10 years, CNBC reports. This means that digital assets will have to outperform 500 major US stock companies with the largest capitalization. Morgan Creek dares to repeat a similar wager by a well-known crypto skeptic Warren Buffett. In 2007, Buffett bet that the dynamics of S&P 500 would overtake a group of five hedge funds — and won the deal. The venture company, however, goes up against the index, calls this move “Buffett Bet 2.0”, and encourages bitcoin opponents to bank on the contrary outcome. The cr